Computer users have to deal with all sorts of security threats each day, computer viruses, computer worms, hackers, phishing, spyware. These malicious attacks may damage your boot sector, system BIOS, software and data files, cause disruption of internet traffic, create back door to allow unauthorized access to your computer, and steal confidential information from you. So how do they spread over the internet?

Malware including computer viruses, worms, and Trojan horses are spread via email, instant messages and file sharing. Computer viruses need a host program to run whereas computer worms are self contained and replicate automatically. Trojan horses usually do not replicate, they are downloaded and run by the computer users pretending to be some innocent programs, such as free games or free screensavers.

Hackers are not malicious programs, they are computer users who gain unauthorized access to your computer. Hackers look for unprotected network or enter you system via a back door installed by other malware.

Spyware are usually downloaded from web sites, email messages, instant messages or file sharing network. Sometimes, spyware are installed with some legitimate programs when you accept the End User License Agreement.

Phishing is an emerging form of malicious attack. Phishers send out spam messages pretending to be legitimate companies such as banks, financial institutes, PayPal. They would use scare tactic to urge you to update your personal information on phish sites which look remarkably similar to the legitimate company sites. If you log in, the phishers will steal your id and password.

Now that you know how these security threats work, here are 10 tips to protect your computer:

1) Install an antivirus + antispyware program or all-in-one internet security program. Do not run any free scan and free download unless you have done your research on the software developer. Some free downloads can be spyware programs or malware that create security hole in your system.

2) Install security programs that provide active real time protection. Some free antivirus programs can only detect viruses that have already infected your PC. However, if your computer is already infected, you may not be able to reach the free virus scan sites at all.

3) Keep your internet security programs up to date. New viruses, spyware, worms are coming out every day, you need the most updated definition database to block these threats.

4) Install a firewall program and configure your firewall program to block any unsolicited inbound or outbound communication. This can protect you from hacker attack.

5) Download security patches for your application programs and browser programs. Some programs are vulnerable to malicious attack and the patches can fix these vulnerabilities.

6) Be vigilant and selective about what you download to your computer. Do not download free games, freeware, free music files etc unless you are certain that they are harmless.

7) Be careful with email attachment. Do not open unexpected email attachment even if it comes from people in your address book. An internet security program can protect your computer by scanning the attachment before you open it or save it to your computer.

8) Delete spam messages or install a spam filter. Some spam messages are merely a nuisance but some contain links which land on bogus sites where your personal information can be stolen (phishing). Computer viruses and spyware can also be spread using spam messages. Do not click on the link or open any attachment of spam messages

9) Watch out for hoaxes. If you receive an email message warning you about a computer virus, search the internet to see if it is a hoax. Don't delete any file or spread the message to other people unless you know that the warning is true.

10) Change your password frequently and do not use the same password for all sites. Use complex words with characters and numbers.

To sum up, malicious attacks come in various forms and they spread and attack your computer in different ways. However, there are software tools available to help you fend off these attacks. If you practice all of the above, you can reduce the chance of malicious attack substantially.

You can also get best antivirus software easily. But the question remains, How!!!.There are so many companies scrambling to make the best antivirus for computers, but for sure, few of them are coming out with the best. Most of these companies are in fact making and spreading computer virus disguising that they are making computer antivirus .On this article we shall guide you on how to select a best computer antivirus for your computer.

As technology changes, boys are also busy hunting for the way of making money. But what amuses me is that these people who claim to make the strongest antivirus are the same people who are making these viruses. Have you imagined why you are getting those pop ups on your computer asking you to protect your computer from viruses? How do they know that you have a virus in your laptop? If you make a mistake and download that antivirus, you know that you are loading a virus to your computer.

How do you determine the best antivirus for your laptop? Before you buy an antivirus you should know the properties associated with that antivirus. A best antivirus should be self updating for future changes. Most of the antiviruses in market today are useless or fake. It can perform today and after one week it will be useless and for that matter, it will not detect new virus that enter you computer.

Someone may think that if a virus security tool could realize a virus file that it could remove it. Obviously, that's not always the case. Just as many programs may lag a bit in updating their libraries, so can it often take longer to create a fix for a new spyware.In addition, some fixes that are created will often require some work on the part of the user. Special booting methods are often what are required.

Another determinant of the good antivirus is the price of the program itself. Cost of these programs is the other area whereby clients most of the times pay attention to before buying. Some may also give up some level of quality in their product if it means less money paid. But the worst is that cheap things are always expensive in the long run. Often, what actually is considered with a sale is a collection of the higher a company's ratings and the lower their price tag is.

Before buying an antivirus for your computer, you should look for its ratings on the internet. And you must be sure to know whether it will remove all viruses from your computer and ready to update itself for future use. There are many places where you can get the best antivirus. And some times you are given free of charge especially when you buy a laptop from these people.

The flexibility of PDF files (Portable Document Format) more is known. Here, you can change and open various types of documents - from any posts documents, spreadsheets, and Web pages - without having to install many programs, respectively.
So as long as these documents are in PDF format, the file it can be read using only one application, ie, Adobe Reader (can be downloaded for free at with the latest version 8.0). Not only that, this type of file can also be accessed via a browser.
You can create PDF documents from anywhere. No need of special assistance programs such as Adobe Acrobat. Simply install the software only PDF printer. For those who have not know, this software functions as a virtual printer with the output is not in print, but the PDF document. If you use it, you can create PDF document from the application and file format for what is in the Windows operating system.
Interested in creating your own PDF documents? The options are many, including that. One of them is a PDF Printer made following (can be downloaded for free at But before the install, the form of ZIP files with 3.9 MB size should be your first extraction. Then how to use it?
Here's a guide life.
1. Double-click a file of extracts from the files you have downloaded earlier. When the installation wizard box appears, click the button [Install], and follow the process pengisntalan. At the session last installation, the program will ask you to download GhostScript from the authorized site. Click [OK] and make sure that Internet connection has been installed. Follow the installation to complete.
2. After you click [Finish], akan appear Printer and Faxes window. Make sure BullZip PDF printer listed there.
3. Open the program from the [Start] button> [Programs]> [BullZip] [PDF Printer]> [Options]. Boksprogram After appearing with the tab-[General] selected-click on the button to the right of the PDF File Name. Specify the storage location of the PDF files. Then click the tab [Document], fill in the name of the document, and specify the quality of the PDF document in the "Quality PDF".
4. Switch to the tab [Watermark], fill in the text that will show in your PDF documents in the Text box. Set the position, size, and transparency in the text box Rotation, Size, and Transparancy.
5. Click on the tab [Security], then fill in the password box "Owner password" box and in the "User password". You can also set the document so that protection can not be printed for use with the hit-check the box [Set Permissions]. Once ready, click [OK].
6. Open the document you want to make a PDF file. Here, we try a page from the website. Click the [File]> [Print]. After the Print dialog box appears, select BullZip PDF Printer, then click [Print]. Next dialog box will appear BullZip PDF Printer - Create PDF. Here, you can reset the folder store documents. Next, click [Save].
7. If the PC has been installed Adobe Reader, the program will automatically appear on the screen to open the converted. A Password dialog box will appear because you have set protection. Type the password that was created earlier, then click [OK]. HTML document has now turned into a PDF file. With this application, you can easily send a document, because almost all the PC has been ter-install PDF reader application.

TIP: Aneka PDF Printer Options
Many applications PDF printer that you can use. Generally available free of charge and ready to be downloaded from the Internet at any time. If interested in using it, here's some interesting freeware.

* CutePDF Writer 2.7 -
* DoPDF -
* Doro PDF Printer 1:35 -
* PDF Printer 2.1 - /
* PDF4Free -
* PDF995 Printer Driver 8.3 -
* PDFCreator -
* PrimopDF -

1. Java Development Kit - You must have Java jdk version 1.4 and above have been installed to build the JAMES distribution. Jdk versions available depending on the match with platformnya. Jdk must be downloaded and installed before the process is done with JAMES.
Prepare the Java Development Kit (jdk) at least version 1.4 or later. Install the computer settings and make sure that JAVA_HOME environment variable is correct.
You can get the latest version of jdk from here.
2. ANT. Prepare the ANT is a Java-tailored, XML-configured, extensible build or make system. You need ant (1.6 +) in order to build James. You can get the latest version of Ant here.
Install ANT on your directory (such as the C: \ ant) and then open command prompt and navigate to the directory ANT and do things like this ..
Assumed that the ANT installed (c: \ ant), installed in the jdk (c: \ jdk-
set ANT_HOME = c: \ ant
set JAVA_HOME = c: \ jdk-
set PATH =% PATH%;% ANT_HOME% \ bin

check with the ANT installation directory into the ANT via Command Prompt and type "ant" (without quotation marks) and the results should be as follows.
Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
Build failed

For more information about ANT can be viewed here
3. Prepare JAMES. JAMES Get the latest version from here. Then install in the directory (C: \)
There are two (2) file that will hold the role of this JAMES (without iota of respect for the other files).
- Run.bat (located in the bin folder)
- Config.xml (located in the apps \ james \ SAR-Inf)
JAMES To start service, run the run.bat, and aka tone look as below (more or less)

Using PHOENIX_HOME: D: \ James \ james-2.1.3
Using PHOENIX_TMPDIR: D: \ James \ james-2.1.3 \ temp
Using JAVA_HOME: c: \ programming \ java14

Phoenix 4.0.1

James 2.1.3
Remote Manager Service started plain: 4555
POP3 Service started plain: 110
SMTP Service started plain: 25
NNTP Service started plain: 119
Fetchmail Disabled

Make sure run.bat running, never turn off this program if you are still using JAMES for follow this tutorial (Menace mode: on)

Service program to turn over use 'Ctrl + C'.
The config.xml is the most complicated part of the steps above as needed accuracy and certainty of the most essential (kayak apa aja nie), so the main gt lah ..
Let's start
1. Edit apps / james / SAR-Inf / config.xml. See the section and place the domain you want to receive messages in elements, eg:


2. Then edit apps / james / SAR-Inf / config.xml and see the section called . Write a DNS serversnya from the first step earlier (IP to your computer that acts as a server), for example:


Start JAMES (run.bat), and open the Command Prompt go to telnet, I type "telnet" (without quotation marks). Then type the command adduser to add users on JAMES, tambahkanlah at least two (2) the user for the sender and the recipient of the message, to view the user list Listusers use. Log in to telnet through the Remote Service Manager as an administrator with the 'localhost', it looks more or less sepertii below. Blue color indicates that the command is done on telnet.

JAMES Remote Administration Tool 2.1.2
Please enter your login and password
Login id:
Welcome root. HELP for a list of commands
adduser red red
Users red added
adduser green green
Users added green
adduser blue blue
Users added blue
Existing accounts 3
user: blue
user: green
user: red

Perform test and then allow
Sign in via telnet to port 25, I type 'localhost', it looks more or less similar to this one.

220 hostname SMTP Server (JAMES SMTP Server 2.2.0) ready Mon, 20 Feb 2009 14:31:33 -0500 (EST)
Hello 250 hostname (hostname [])
mail from:
250 Sender OK
rcpt to:
250 recipient OK
354 Ok Send data ending with .
subject: test to testuser at


Message Received 250
Hostname 221 Service closing transmission channel
Connection closed by foreign host.

Make sure the name of the sender and the recipient is available as a user, for example, that have been registered dii JAMES used is red, green, blue, it will contain elements @ localhost red, green or blue @ localhost @ localhost.
For the domain name (@ localhost) pendefinisian depends on the first command during the 'helo or ehlo'
Example: helo localhost -> localhost will be used as a domain name in the sender and the message in revenue (xxxx @ localhost)
Helo -> akan used as a domain name in the sender and the message in revenue (

Next, check the purpose of a message inbox, for example, to send red @ localhost (rcpt to: red @ localhost), the red check inbox, go to the folder 'apps \ james \ var \ mail \ inboxes' see red folder make sure there are files there, then open the file that bertipe *. FileStreamStore, then open using WordPad. Are the messages that tell you its contents in accordance with the write in your telnet? If the same means you have successfully send and receive messages using JAMES.

Note: Note the time when you send messages from a telnet, match time approached with the most files in the destination inbox. Make sure the inbox is the purpose of the time the latest.

To relay email only for local subnet without authentication credentials, do the following changes, you need to make changes to the apps / james / SAR-Inf / config.xml. See the following code line and / 8 . Change to the network in accordance with your internal network:

Lines of code means that the above list of IP can be used to send email, if the outside IP is used to send the message, the message will never be delivered to the destination. Lines of code above with the closely related lines of code below., / 8

For the subnet mask you can get information by typing ipconfig at the command prompt. Subnet mask can be determined in accordance with a specific subnet mask your local computer.

TOWRITE: How to test whether James has been successful. (use an external mail account to send messages to and from (to and from). untk There also needs to create a local, may also add to the local IP address that is used as the sender (sender).
TOWRITE: Discussion of possible error ...
1. Dynamic IP Address Issue
2. ISP blocks port mem-output 25
3. Email address with the IP address instead of a domain name (may be biased)
4. Message to be spam because the sender IP address (as James CATCHING relay)
5. Messages can not be received because the IP Address / Server you are considered as a relay (the message chain)
6. Other servers running from the ports to prevent binding (fastening)

(JAMES Documentation)
(JAMES Tutorial)
(JAMES Tutorial)
(Telnet Commands)
(ANT Documentation)

There are SEO experts who will help you to get your website search engine friendly. These people specialize in search engine optimization and they make their living helping webmasters to take advantage of the many benefits that come from search engine traffic. However, you do not have to pay for this if you follow a few basic things. Let's take a look at a few ideas you can do to optimize your website for search engines and get free traffic to your internet home business from it.

It is important to understand that you want search engine traffic coming to your site. To get some idea about the importance of search engine traffic you should know that over half of the overall traffic on the internet is derived through search engines. You can enjoy some of this traffic once you understand what keywords people are searching for. Your goal is to rank as high as possible for very targeted words on the top search engines which are Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

Try to view your website through the eyes of the search engines. This is not hard to do if you lay your page out targeting a specific phrase and then focus on it. You do that by naming the file you build your page on after a targeted keyword phrase. This phrase should be included in the title and description of your meta tags as well. You also include it in your headline, and in the first paragraph of your web page article.

You can also underline, bold, or italicize the keyword phrase in the first paragraph to stress the importance of that phrase. Then to avoid looking like you are spamming the page do not use that specific phrase too often. However, it is recommended to use it at the ending paragraph of your post. You can certainly use variations of the keyword phrase if it sounds natural and not forced in the conversation of the article.

Today blogging has become an important part of search engine optimization for many internet home business entrepreneurs because you can do everything that you do as a web page except it is easier. When it comes to blogs, you do not have to learn HTML code. If you know how to write, you can blog. The key thing with blogs is to be consistent and again follow proper SEO practices. Title your blog post around a keyword phrase, and then include it again in the first and last paragraphs of your blog article. If you do this you are doing a good job of letting the search engines know what this blog page is about and you stand a better chance of ranking highly for it.

One additional step that you must take is bookmarking your blog article to some of the top social directories including the Digg, Technorati, and Stumbleupon. This serves not only as search engine bait but you can also get some traffic straight from the social directories as well.

If you will develop a keyword list of several hundred phrases you can then begin to target these individually in your web page and blog articles. You can also do it in other ways such as article marketing, discussion forum posts, email marketing, ezine advertising, placing classified ads, and so on. Your goal is to develop thousands of back links that are built around these targeted keyword phrases. This will give you an unbelievable amount of traffic for many years to come.

Everything we have talked about is something you can do for free. Your only investment is the time that it takes to understand how to do it properly, and then work at it on a daily or weekly basis. The long-term benefit of understanding search engine optimization, and building thousands of back to links from targeted keyword phrases, is paramount to your overall internet home business success.

While experienced computer users can easily make a correct diagnosis out of observable signs and symptoms exhibited by their PCs, the rest of us barely have a clue as to whether or not something is really wrong with our computers. Although some problems may require an expert to fix, most glitches can easily be corrected without the need for a technician. So how do you really tell if your computer really requires repair? Here are tips on how to check:

Learning to eliminate Unless you are experienced at diagnosing what ails your computer, the best thing you can do is to try to determine the problem by elimination. First, find out the symptoms and then consider the most possible causes and eliminate those that are not plausible. This will help you discover the most possible explanation for the problem. From there, you can decide whether or not your computer really requires repair.

Learning to scan Many of the problems manifested by the computer are caused by malware such as viruses, spyware and adware. As long as your computer and antivirus software are updated, you can perform a regular scan to check for any infection. In most cases, common problems are solved this way, although others may require you to download patches to correct any errors and vulnerabilities.

No power If your computer won't turn on, don't immediately assume you'll need professional help. Check if it's connected to a power outlet and then check if there is power. Next, check the power button and the connections for the cables. If using a battery to run a laptop, determine if the battery has been sufficiently charged. Only when you've checked all possible scenarios and still failed should you consider having your computer repaired.

Slowpoke computer A slow computer may not always be a sign that it really requires repair. It may be because you're running a lot of programs that may be too much of a burden for the amount of memory your computer has. Try to close programs you don't need and delete stuff you have no use for. Empty your recycle bin right after. Defrag your system to re-organize your files.

If these steps still don't fix your problem, it may either be because you need more memory or that there's something in your system that requires a checkup from the professionals.

Missing drivers This usually comes as a surprise, when your computer shows a message indicating that a device is missing. If you are quite sure that drivers for hardware you're using have already been installed, try to re-install them using the appropriate CDs. In minor cases, that should fix the problem. If the problem continues or if your computer exhibits even stranger symptoms, that's a clear sign that you really need to have it repaired.

The need to reboot now and then Frequent rebooting is often the result of a system freezing or hanging up. This is when the computer screen just simply stops reacting to what you do and nothing you can do to the keyboard or the mouse seems to work. The only way to make the system work again is to press the reboot button. If this happens, then it's a sign that you shouldn't try to fix it yourself because your computer really requires repair.

Ads, Spyware and Popups: the Internet is an aggressively commercial place. Internet marketing is hugely profitable; owners of frequently visited websites can make a reasonable living just off a few banner ads placed on their site. Software was quickly developed that would attempt to block these ads from loading and being displayed leaving the Internet free from irritants so the user could just view the information that they were after. Not surprisingly the Internet fought back with ads becoming more and more tricky in their execution.

The Internet pornography industry is often at the forefront of new advertising technologies. It was they who first discovered methods to lock the 'back' button on the browser from allowing users who stumbled (accidentally or otherwise) into the 'darker' areas of the Internet. Then came Internet-hijacking: changing a browser's home page so that every time the Internet is connected the user is instantly taken to a certain site. There are ads that lie dormant in the system and pop up long after the user has moved on from the original site or even after they've stopped using the internet. These people went everywhere they could, and the rest of the Internet world soon followed.

So, how can we keep ourselves safe? Unfortunately, the answer usually lies in having a number of protection programs running in the background at all times which can slow down a computer. This is a lot more positive than having a computer terminally slowed down by the malicious side of the Internet though, so we just have to take the bad with the good.

The first port of call should be an anti-virus program. If you're even vaguely concerned about online security you're going to need one installed. A friend of mine decided that this was a foolish suggestion and picked up almost 100 viruses in a single day. These programs range in price and quality, with more expensive (but very good) packages such as Norton's Anti Virus (or their comprehensive Internet Security bundle) or free programs, such as AVG Free Edition, available from

Once you have your computer protected from automated viruses it's time to shield yourself from malicious hackers and their kind with a firewall. Windows XP comes with a firewall straight out of the box, with Service Pack 2 offering security upgrades. MacOS also has a firewall. It's often not a bad idea to install a third party one though, as they are generally more customisable and in a lot of cases more secure. A few good firewalls are ZoneAlarm ( and Kerio Personal Firewall, as well as those offered in the commercial Internet security packages (such as Norton's, mentioned above).

Next up is the Spyware and ad blocking software that was the initial concern. The two major software packages for spyware protection and removal are Spybot- Search and Destroy ( and AdAware (

These threats are often not dealt with by Internet security packs (strangely enough) although some protection is now starting to be included.

Chances are you will have picked up an ad blocker somewhere in the collection of programs by now, but just in case you can make your Internet browsing experience a less commercial affair by downloading software such as Hitware Lite ( These programs stop ads before they reach you, leaving you to browse only the information you're after.

Besides installing protection software your best bet is just to be careful with your surfing. Don't open weird emails with strange attachments if you don't know the origins (don't even open the email... often the viruses and Trojans will have an auto open script written into the email itself, so you've instantly opened up your computer by simply looking at the email). Be careful about the sites you visit. Make sure that you're well protected before entering the Internet 'grey' areas, such as ROM, Warez, Appz etc. sites. If you perform a web search and some of the sites that show up have descriptions and titles consisting only of keywords, it's usually a fair bet that you should stay clear of that site. It usually won't have anything useful to offer and may contain hazardous material. With a bit of care you can keep your system going strong and enjoy the Internet safely and relatively ad free.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you didn't have to borrow money all the time? I mean, wouldn't it be nice to have money put aside whenever you need it? Of course it would! Unfortunately, so many people have found themselves in a position where they need money, and need it now! In this article we want to talk about how you can make fast cash online in the privacy of your own home.

The Internet is filled with a lot of gimmicks and trickery; sometime you don't know who to trust. Especially in a time when you are in need and looking for help. This is why having a mentor is so important. Usually a mentor is experienced and have been around for a while, or at least they are close to being an expert in what they are teaching. They are literally your eyes and ears on the Internet which is what you need, especially if you're new to the Internet.

If you talk to most Mentors, they could tell you stories after stories about times when they lost money behind some type of hype advertising, now looking back wished they had a mentor to guide them which would have made things a lot easier.

One way to make fast cash online is to sell information products. Usually these products will come in the form of ebooks or pdf forms which is downloadable. There's no need to worry about shipping and handling. When someone purchase these products through your affiliate link, you will get a percentage from each product you sell delivered straight to your Clickbank or Paypal account which is one of the easiest way to make fast cash online.

Membership sites are becoming more popular on the Internet because a lot of them have mentors and affiliate programs built in together. In other words, while you are being mentored you can sign up for their affiliate program and promote your affiliate website and make fast cash that way. However, to get traffic to your affiliate website you must learn to get targeted traffic which will give you the best chance to make sells. This is why having a mentor is so important. They can teach you the best ways to get targeted traffic and so much more.

Learning how to make fast cash online is great but you may be interested in building your bank account so you wouldn't have to rely on these fast methods all the time. Mentors can teach you how to make fast cash and how to make residual income so you can have a steady flow of income which could lead to your ultimate success.

If your a small business and dont want to pay some company thousands of dollars to increase your search engine ranking you may find these few tips to be of some use. If you can optimize your own website you can well save yourself a small fortune, not to mention by increasing your website ranking you can make more money as well.

Increasing your search engine ranking for your website does not have to be an impossible task available only to computer experts. If you have avoided trying to rank your website in the search engines I am here to tell you that if you want your business to succeed online it is essential that your website Ranks high.

More and more consumers are looking for a product or service online and they find them through the three big search engines being Google, Yahoo and MSN. The idea of SEO ( search engine optimization) is to make your website more palatable to the big three and hence get you some more sales. The better ranking your website has with the search engines the more targeted traffic you will get to your website. More targeted traffic equals more sales.

Just look at your own online searching, when you search for anything online do you ever search past page 2 of the results Google finds for you. I know I don't even go past page 1.

You can study all the whiz bang technical optimization techniques out there on the market and believe me there is a lot, every man and there dog will tell you how to get your website to page 1. Before spending a fortune online to get your site optimized you might want to do a little tweaking yourself, if that is too much please contact me with any questions and I would be happy to help.

First off you can look at some simple adjustments on your website which if changed correctly most likely will result in improved rankings. Now take a look at the title bar on your homepage.

Appearing at the top of the page is the title bar. When you access your home page you should see some words that appear there on the browser tag. To improve your search engine rankings the words that appear here should be the most relevant keywords or phrases for your business. Including your company name is an excellent idea, just remember title should make some sense and not just a gaggle of keywords , the search engines want relevancy more than anything else.

You should do this for each page of your website, each title bar on each page should include the most relevant keywords and phrases for that particular page. Make sure your keywords used in the title bar for each page also appear within the content of the page as well.

Try to avoid a whole heap of keywords, a good idea is to have 8 or less keywords. Remember more is not always better. Don't repeat keywords more than once in the title.

The second item you should examine is your website content, you may have heard that with your website rankings "content is king" and yes it is. Search engines will generally list sites that contain relevant content to the users query than a whole lot of pretty pictures and graphics, so make sure your site has relevant content.

To make your content relevant you should use your 1-8 main keywords that you have chosen and fit them into the content of your website/webpage, these are keywords that your customers will be typing into the search engine to find businesses just like yours. Aim to have around 250-500 words on each page, aim for a 1% keyword density if you write 500 words of content for a particular webpage aim to mention your keyword 5 times. Remember a page has to look pleasing to the eye or your customers will not stay around long enough to buy. To achieve the higher ranks with your website the search engine "spiders" must be able to read your webpage content, make sure that your content is written in HTML form and not graphic form.

If you try and highlight the text on your website and you can highlight it and copy and paste into say notebook then the text is HTML, if you cant then it is probable in the graphic form.

Next step in our quest for that elusive page one ranking is what is called META tags. I know this is sounding all technical and very hard but if you follow these directions you can have a better optimized website that hopefully will lead to more traffic and sales.

Many people believe that META tags are the key to high ranking pages within the search engines, but in truth only have a small effect but still worth having, as every little bit counts.

To find out what your META tags are bring up your website and in your browser go to the view button and then to source code this should show you the code that makes up your website. Meta tags will usually appear near the top of the code and will say metaname, meta description, meta keywords or something to this effect. If you cant locate this code get in contact with your web designer and ask them to put them onto your site. It may not increase your rankings hugely but any small bit helps.

Last but not least we come to link popularity. This is an extremely important factor in increasing your websites ranking. Link popularity is the number 1 way the search engines will rank your website. Link popularity is based on the number and the quality of links you have linked to your website.

Type in "free link popularity check" in one of the big 3 search engines, they will come back to you with what sites are linked to your webpage. In Google you can type" links:"your URL" and it should come back with any links connected to your site. If you would like more information on getting links added to your site please send me an email and I can show you how to get all the links you need to increase your search engine ranking.

What this means is that you contact other quality sites that are related to your business in some way and request that they exchange links with your site. This requires a little leg work, you need to find out if it is worth linking to a particular site and how that site ranks in the search engines. Linking to popular quality sites not only will increase your own search engine ranking but it will direct more quality traffic to your website which in turn will generate more sales.

Search engine rankings are a necessary step in any internet marketing campaign so before you go out and spend an absolute fortune on an optimization company try to do some of the above steps yourself.

Remember to succeed online you can never ignore this all important factor in online marketing. The higher you rank in the search engines the more customers that will come to your website.

A few tips on how to conserve energy and saving money in the home is by switching out your shower heads, and water faucets. The more water wasted in your household, the better your savings will be noticed.

Whether you're motivated to lower your utility bills, or want to do your part to better the environment, there are many things that you can do to conserve energy usage in your home. One of the easiest and most cost effective to start with, is exchanging your water outlets to energy efficient devices.

These low-flowing water devices can be bought practically anywhere… and they don't cost much either. The savings that can be had from using them, are well worth the small investment.

The water pressure that you can achieve from these, is just as good as your old shower heads and faucets. This is because most offer pressure adjustment dials. I don't notice any less pressure by using these, and at the same time, I'm using less water, and saving money.

These products lower water bills, simply because they use considerable less water to do the same thing as your average water outlets.

Now, don't defeat your cause, and continue to allow water to run when it's not being used. For even more savings, use this precious natural resource, conservatively, such as by turning the water off while your're brushing your teeth, or washing dishes that aren't ready for rinsing yet.

Once you change your faucets, knowing how to conserve energy in the home by using less of it, is just a bonus after that. It's really just a matter of getting your habits to conserve automatically, without having to think about it. You need to get to where you can operate your household energy efficiently, like second nature to you…

And having the right devices in place will help you to conserve even more, and lend to your contributing to a better and cleaner environment.