Best of all, the strategies I recommend to fill your business are the same ones that can be applied to any business, and then applied again and again to other online ventures. Here are 8 secrets to filling the prospect funnel in your business in 60 days:

1. Success mind set. Don't gloss over this strategy -- it may be the most important of all. If you truly want to succeed in your business and are passionate about what you do, nothing will hold you back. This often means that you have to step out in faith that you'll succeed, and most importantly, believe in yourself as a success. Sure, you may stumble, or even fall, but you must be willing to pick yourself back up and persevere -- even without a safety net hanging under you.

2. Target market. The biggest mistake that business owners make is wanting to sell to everyone. If you've tried this, you have no doubt discovered that casting your net around everyone is a very difficult task. Narrowing that group to a more manageable number will actually serve you much better, believe it or not. If you can identify a smaller group of hungry prospects who are willing to pay for the solutions to the problems that keep them awake at night (or those who are willing to pay for more information about a hobby or interest that occupies much of their free time) AND who are reachable in groups (associations, membership sites, magazines, newsletters, discussion forums or lists, social networking groups, etc.), then you have made a key discovery that will catapult your business forward.

3. Client Attraction Device. You've heard it said time and time again that "the money is in the list." This still holds true today, as well. Without a list of interested prospects to whom you can market, you don't have a business. The quickest way to begin to develop a list is to give something away. Yes, you heard me correctly. If you have content you have already created, dig through that to see if you have something appropriate for your chosen target market.

If not, identify a problem of your target market, and create some content that answers one of those problems. Perhaps it's a checklist, a Top 10 list, an ebook or special report, an audio interview, a pod cast, a video -- do whatever is easiest for you. Just ensure that it is in a plug and play format, i.e. don't make your prospect download some weird software that's not commonplace to read and view this material.

Make sure that your Client Attraction Device has some valuable content in it. Nothing is more frustrating to me than to read a free giveway that only serves to remind me that I have a problem and offers no solution unless I pay for it. Don't be afraid to demonstrate your expertise by giving "how to" information away. Trust me, if you are truly good at what you do, there's no way that you can share everything you know on a topic in one short information product. Your Client Attraction Device starts your prospects on the like, know, and trust road that is imperative for them to travel before they will decide to buy something from you.

4. Email marketing system. You must have some way to collect your prospect's information and a system by which you can stay in contact with them. The best way to do this is by purchasing email marketíng services. Do not use a free service for this, nor try to send emails out of your Outlook program. If you want to be a serous online business owner, invest in the most important asset in your business -- your email marketíng system.

5. Blogsite. A blogsite, which is a web site/blog hybrid, is the quickest way to build an online presence. The two most popular blogging platforms, the fee-based Typepad and open source software Wordpress, can be used to create a blogsite very quickly. If you want either of them customized with a particular look or feel, that may take a bit longer and require a greater investment. However, either will work well to get you started, and both will permit you to enter your email marketíng system's signup code onto a page so that you can immediately begin to collect contact information from prospects who have requested your Client Attraction Device.

6. Stay in touch. Whether you do this by submitting regular blog posts or publishing an email newsletter (or both), you need to reach out and touch your prospects at least weekly (or several times a week if you are blogging). Give them some insights about what's happening with you personally as well as sharing some aspect of your expertise with them by creating a content-rich article or answering their questions. And, don't forget to sell -- provide some product or service in each email newsletter, or submit regular blog posts that remind your readers about what you are selling.

7. Social networking. Never before have we had the opportuníty to connect with others online easily and inexpensively as we do now with social networking. Create profiles on the social networks) used by your target market, do research to add friends/followers in your target market, and use the status updates to be useful to your followers, i.e. by sharing resources, asking questions, and updating them about how you help clients/customers.

8. Drive traffic to your site. There are a number of ways to accomplish this, but my favorite starts with writing an article. Once it's written, I publish it in my ezine, my blog, and to my web site and syndicate it on article directories all over the Web. Then I have the option of making a pod cast with the content; creating a screencast video or "talking head" video from it; writing and submitting a press release; creating a teleclass; create a Q&A radio show interview opportuníty; breaking up the points as separate Twitter posts, or Tweets, and tweeting them to my followers; or sharing it on my Squidoo lens or other information-sharing portals. The point here is to work once and profit, profit, profit. Repurpose one article as many ways as you can to drive traffic back to your blogsite and thus get more and more prospects to sign up on your list and ultimately convert them to customers.

The advent of the Internet makes it easier than ever to create and promote an online business with very little startup capital. And, if done correctly, the strategies will results in you filling your business in 60 days with eager and willing prospects ready to buy what you are offering.

The most important part of any pay per click advertising campaign is the key word. All pay per click programs involve choosing a key word and having your website linked to that word. You bid for the position of your key word and the highest bidder will have his advertisement placed on the first page of search results, so the greatest number of people will see it. Your advertisement campaign should be tailored to your niche market, so select a key word appropriate to attract buyers to your site.

Selecting a key word is not difficult. All you have to do is think the way your potential customers would, and choose a word that would catch their attention. You can make use of the website word tracker to find out the frequency of searches for a particular keyword and how many other websites use the same keyword. Your aim is to select a keyword with a high frequency of searches but as little competition as possible from other websites. With a highly contested keyword it will be expensive to get your keyword into the top ten positions, which is where you want your pay per click advertisement to be.

You should not waste your money on keywords that do not have a high search frequency. You will most probably not be able to choose the most profitable keyword on your first attempt. You should not be discouraged, however, as this is a process of trial and error. Simply start your campaign with whichever keyword you think is best, then monitor the results carefully and slowly narrow down your choices until you have the best keyword possible.

Take The 'Law Of Averages' Into Account

The law of averages is one that applies to all forms of retail, whether they are online or offline. It dictates the rate of conversion of visitors to your site to customers who actually purchase something from you. For some products, the conversion rate may be 5 in every 100 visitors while for others it may be 10 in every 100. It all depends on the market in question, the quality of your product, and the reliability of the company. Once you have determined roughly the law of averages as it applies to your product, you can then calculate how much profit you will earn and decide how much to bid for your keyword of choice.

Providers Of Pay Per Click Services

Of the many pay per click services available, the most prominent are those from Google and Yahoo. Before you choose to host your campaign with a particular pay per click company, you should carefully consider their reputation and traffic volumes. Some pay per click programs even offer analysis of your product and feedback as to what the best keyword for you would be. Your bid for your keyword could be as low as $0.05 or as high as $1 or more. Your pay per click company will simply track the number of clicks on your advertisement and bill you accordingly.

Landing Page

Finding the right keyword to use will drive large volumes of traffic to your site. In order to convert that traffic from mere visitors to real customers, however, you must have the right landing page. The landing page is simply the first page visitors see once they click on your advertisement. Sell your product as best you can and offer deals and bargains so as to entice more visitors to become buyers. Encourage your visitors with buttons such as 'best price now' or 'buy now'.

You should also remember to assign your ad campaign a budget, as you do not wish to spend more money than you can afford on your first pay per click advertising campaign.

A Simple and Effective Way To Deliver Your Email Campaign To Over 96 Million Recipients Per Month. That's Over 3.1 Million Targeted Recipients Daily.

Safe Mail Services is the leader in email marketing for small businesses. Our web based server allows members to blast over 3 Million emails per day. All recipients are double opt-in making us 100% SPAM law compliant. Our recipient database is filled with prospects who have asked to be included in our safe-list, so you know your ad will reach real customers.
All blasts go out from our own email server which members access through login from this website. You will not be taken to a 3rd party service like many of our competitors. And since all blasts are done by our server your ISP will have no idea you are even using an email service.

Are you tired of promoting your product with no results? How would you like to wake up each morning only to find your email box filled with orders? That's where we come in. Our email list will allow your business to grow day after day, week after week and month after month without any additional fees or charges.

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Blast your ad once per day to over 3.1 million targeted prospects. Just imagine the kind of traffic this kind of exposure can produce for your business.

The system is very easy to use. Just one click of the button and your ad is instantly blasted to the full database of recipients.

Send ads in HTML Format. You have the option to send ads with pictures, flash, sound, font colors, or anything else you can imagine. However, if you still wish to send in plain text format, not a problem, we also support it.

Personalize your ads. Members may send out email ads with name codes which inserts the recipients first or full name in the subject of the message or email body.

Save your ads for future mailings. No need to save your ad on your own computer, we supply that service for you. Each time you login your ad will be ready to go exactly as you saved it.

Absolutely no bouncing emails back to your email box. All emails are delivered directly to the recipient’s inbox. If any receiving party bounces our mail that recipient is removed and replaced with a fresh lead.

No other ads attached to your email. Your email ad goes out by itself so your ad gets all the attention from the recipient.

All email blasts go out directly from our web based server. You will not be taken to a 3rd party company or many 3rd party companies like many of our competitors. You create one account and one blast does it all.

Our service is 100% SPAM free. You do not have to worry about getting a SPAM complaint ever. We supply all disclosures and removal links for you, this way you can concentrate on designing the best ad for your campaign without any distractions.

Best of all you will be able to crush your competition. Our service provides one of the highest cost-to-conversion ratios on the Net. Want to make sales without spending an arm and a leg? You just found it.

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Everyone is talking about social networking, and many claim social networking to be the panacea for all of your marketing ills. Marketing on social networking sites like Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter can help you boost the size of your email list and help you grow your business. The key to success with this strategy is making sure that members of your target market are in your network.

Facebook is very strict and very particular about how its participants contact each other. Facebook limits the number of new invitations that can be sent in a given day or week. The exact number is a Facebook secret and unknown to the public, but if you exceed this secret amount you can get booted from Facebook. However, I think if you stick with no more than 10 per day, you will probably stay within their limits. Secondly, you are permitted only 5000 friends in Facebook, so if you're successful in this strategy, you may ultimately need to create a waiting list of friends.
How do you find your target market in Facebook? Whether you're an experienced social networker or just a newbie, here are 10 secrets to growing your target market network in Facebook:

1. Update-to-date profile and/or Fan page: Before you begin a "friending" (i.e. request to become another's friend), be sure that your profile is up-to-date with an accurate description of what you do, your interests, and your contact info, including your web site URLs. If you have multiple businesses, invite people in your appropriate target market to become fans of your niche-specific fan page.

2. Follow the gurus. Follow leaders in your field/industry and "friend" them. Anytime you make a friend request, include a personal note, as that will improve the likelihood that they will accept your request. Say something like, "I'm a big fan and have been on your ezine/blog list for several years. I'd love to have you in my network in Facebook." Once they have accepted your invitation, make comments about their status updates to help you get on their radar and in front of their networks.

3. Friends of friends. Take a look at the people in the network of your industry leaders, as they are probably part of your target market as well, and send friend requests to those of interest to you. When you friend someone that you only know by association, send a personal note as well, like "I discovered your profile in 's network and would like to get to know you better by adding you to my network."

4. Use groups. Look for groups that may contain your target market. In your search for groups, use keywords that describe your niche, your industry, your geographic area, the interests of your target market, or whatever other terms you might use to find members of your target market. Join and begin to participate in the group so that they begin to get to know you. Then peruse the member lists for good prospects, sic as the members you've connected with or have gotten to know. Since you won't be able to view the profiles of the group members because they aren't in your network, much of your decision-making about whom to friend may be based upon appearance or how you might be connected to them via other friends in your network.

5. Check your lists. Friend people that you already know from your high school, college, alumni associations, and places of employment if they fall within your target market definition.

6. Facebook-recommended friends. Facebook typically recommends friends based on your current friends list when you log into your profile. I've found these recommendations to be pretty solid. Take them up on their recommendatíon and add those folks to your network.

7. Add by interest or industry. Do a people search by job title, industry, geographic location, or interest. Those people with those terms in their profile will show up in your search, and you can request to add them based on common interests.

8. Build the relationship. Once you friend someone, you need to begin to get to know them and start them on the like, know and trust journey so that you become their top-of-mind expert in a particular area. Begin building the relationship by posting a quick "thank you" note on their wall, as well as a comment about something on their profile that interests you or in which you have in common. Watch for their status updates, as well, and comment on these when appropriate.

9. Create a group. Once you've got about 500 followers, create a group for your target market. Provide the group with useful content and and ask questions to stimulate discussion and get the members to return to participate in the group. You can post articles, links to blog posts, or videos you have created. Invite group members to any free virtual or face-to-face events you're hosting.

10. Integrate into your plan. No marketing strategy works unless you consistently implement it over time. As a newbie to Facebook, you might want to spend as much as 60 minutes per day researching friends and participating in groups. As your network grows, you many spend only 15 minutes 3 times per week on Facebook. The key to success is to put this strategy on your calendar and make it a routine part of your ongoing Internet marketing tasks.

While social networking is an inexpensive marketing tool and can be effective in helping you grow your business, maintain your other marketing strategies, as well, and simply add this strategy to your marketing mix. A well-rounded Internet marketing plan that includes social networking and is implemented consistently will mean that your prospect well won't ever run dry.

Let's face it, anyone can build a website. There are countless companies out there offering a vast array of web building solutions, some good, some great, and some quite frankly are a complete waste of time! But throwing together a website is really only part of the story, only part of the process. There are literally, hundreds of thousands of web pages, that won't ever be viewed and therefore stand no chance of commercial success. Some of those sites are relatively good; unfortunately their owners have misunderstood the process and have the cart before the horse...

In the online world no one just happens by your website, credít card in hand! If you've yet to build your website, or about to create a new site, stop! consider first exactly what you wish to achieve with that site, before you start. "Creating a website should follow a process proven to deliver a commercial end result... or run the risk of ending up, just another pretty picture in cyberspace!"
Fortunately there is a process, and I highly recommend you take a look at it... perhaps you already know it...

Content > Traffic > Pre-sell > Monetize

A time tested, 4 step process, proven to produce websites that deliver... commercially! Ok so, let's now look briefly at each step and why they work in this particular order.

1. Numoro Uno, as always. Content. Very, very important. Building information-rich sites is crucial. You must have high quality, unique, relevant content on your site, A; because you want to attract visitors in the first place and B; to generate long term, search engine based free traffic.

Online, people are looking for solutions, for information that leads to solutions. They use the search engines to hunt for the most relevant facts to reach this end goal solution. Your job is therefore easy... give it to them... but don't just plonk down any old garbage and hope for the best... take your time, put in the effort, provide good quality information that will over-deliver and keep your visitor interested, satisfy her need and you will be rewarded. Over time, gradually add new fresh, useful content and you will be creating web pages valued by humans and search engines alike. On the internet, high value content is king!

2. Traffic... Ahh! The Holy Grail... Much has been written on the subject, and many are making a good living providing (?) this elusive element.

Truth is, (excluding social media) there are but two ways to get it - you either pay for it, or you optimize for it. If you take the time to understand the basics, you can easily do both.

Paid search, (PPC) such as Google Adwords has its place, and can provide an immediate stream of targeted visitors to your website; however it is a study of its own and can, if not understood, be very costly very quickly! If you want to go that route learn with small amounts (of money) and don't be tempted to throw good after bad... owch! been there!

Safer and arguably better, is optimization (SEO) for the organic results, as reached via a Google or other search engine search. This is simply intelligent website construction, a process anyone can do. The important point is, the optimization should be built in during the creative process, at the time you're constructing the site; you are literally building your website to principles that make it search engine friendly, thus leading to high natural positions in organic search results, leading to of course, significant free traffic flow to your site...
3. Don't sell... Pre-sell. You have created a website with value rich content, and fully optimized its pages for indexing by Google (and other search engines)... Folks are arriving at your site as directed by their search results. You are keen to have them buy your goods or services, ready with your pitch... but wait! There's another vital step in the process of converting your visitors into customers, and you've done half the work already...

Pre-selling is a warming up process, whereby you develop trust and confidence in your offering... it's already well known that people are more willing to buy from those they like, trust or respect. By over-delivering relevant high value information, without appearing to be forcing a sale you will almost by default, create an atmosphere that inevitably leads to sales. Simple!

As far as your visitor is concerned, her needs are being met, his wishes are being fulfilled, you are providing the very information that is the solution to that which they are searching for in the first place. Pre-selling creates an open-to-buy mindset that smoothly introduces your visitors to your monetization offer.

4. Monetize. Ok thanks for sticking with me, here's the home run... This is where you make your offering enticing by introducing and highlighting the many benefits of your product or service, and detailing exactly how it offers the solution to their predicament. You have paved the way with informative, relevant content and can now look to close with persuasive sales copy.

Your call to action should be strong and concise. Tell your prospect exactly what they need to do to order. If you have a good product, and you should, let them know exactly how they will benefit by ordering from you... Today!

So there it is... in brief... A formula simple, yet highly effective. Generate targeted free traffic via your highly optimized website, provide information packed content that offers solutions, warm up or pre-sell your visitors by over-delivering on the quality of that content, then and only then, monetize by introducing persuasive, benefit focused sales copy to convert pre-sold visitors into enthusiastic customers.

Foreign Exchange Trade Tips and Tools

Before you enter the market, you will want to make sure that you have the extra money to lose, and not money that you need to keep your previous financial commitments. Each trade should be timed correctly based on the technical analysis of the current market situations. When a technical analysis shows that a price is trending upwards, there is an increase in the currency value and then an increase in the amount of buyers. The information in this article on the Forex Market various tools and techniques can be a great start to better equip people new to the market in understanding several of the Forex trading styles and tools.

Trading Styles

Automatic Trading: A version of trading that involves neither human decision making nor involvement, but uses a pre-programmed strategy based on technical or fundamental analysis to automatically execute trades via an automated software program.
Trade Robots: The Forex Robot trades your account while the market is open using highly sophisticated, short-term algorithms designed by professional independent financial advisor and traders.

Swing Trading: A manner of foreign exchange that involves seeking to profit from short to medium term swings in trend. These types of trades manner can last from hours to days.
Swing Tip: Many traders make the mistake of simply buying near support and selling near resistance, even when price momentum is moving strongly to these levels.

Day Trading: A style of foreign exchange that involves multiple trades on an intra-day basis. The main advantage of trading in the day is that you do not have to worry about maintaining your currency position throughout the night. Trading in this style can also last from minutes to hours.
Tip: Take time to learn about various types of trade cycles, this will give you a tremendous edge in trading because most traders don't give them very much attention.

Trend Trading: A technique of Forex exchange that attempts to profit from riding short, medium or long term trends in price.
Trend Tip: Finding the prevailing trend helps traders to become aware of the general market direction.

Range Trading: A version of Forex exchange that works to profit from buying and selling currencies between a lower level of support and an upper level of resistance. The upper level of resistance and the lower level of support defines the range. The range forms a price channel where the price can be seen to swing between the two levels of support and resistance.
Range Tip: Support levels exist at lows while resistance levels exist at highs.

Forex Trade Calculators:

Forex Profit Calculators compute the profit each trade made on the currency market. This calculation follows the following formula: Closing Rate - Opening Rate*Closing [quote]/[home currency]*Units.

Forex Pip Calculators - Pip (or points) is a term used in Forex market to indicate the smallest incremental move an exchange rate can make. Depending on context, this is normally one basis point 0.0001 in the case of EUR/USD, GBD/USD, USD/CHF and .01 in the case of USD/JPY. Lot or Contract is the standard unit of trading on certain exchanges (Standard Lot = $100,000; Mini lot = $10,000; Micro lot = $1,000).

To use this tool, you simple enter in your starting capital amount you wish to risk per trade as a percentage of your capital and your stop loss price. Instantly the results will be displayed. Your performance will vary drastically, if you do not risk a consistent amount on each trade.

Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Keep in mind that the end goal of all other traders in the market is to take your money. You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts. The techniques and tools in this article are intended to help you realize different and easy ways to make your money work for you in the Forex market.

There has never been a better time for the smart internet entrepreneur to make money on line Earning income on line is sometimes like shooting fish in a barrel and anyone can take hold of one of the many business opportunities offered whether they have a lot of business experience or next to none and build a successful residual income business with little or no financial investment There has never been a better time for the smart internet entrepreneur to make money on line. Earning income on line is sometimes like shooting fish in a barrel and anyone can take hold of one of the many business opportunities offered whether they have a lot of business experience or next to none and build a successful residual income business with little or no financial investment.

Owning a business with residual income is offers a huge advantage over one time only businesses. While for one time only businesses your profit ends with each sale, with residual income businesses you continue to profit from each sale long after the sale has been made. This is because each sale triggers a series of other profit generating activities with the result that the marketer continues to benefit from a sale long after it was made. Infect the earnings from such sales can continue to accrue even after the business is closed down. The result is that a single sale is worth much more than the initial value.

The most successful internet marketing entrepreneurs have discovered the power of residual income and will not market products that do not offer this benefit. If you desire to earn residual income you will be happy to know that using the Internet to do this is surprisingly simple. For instance, if you already owned an on line business, all you need to do is joining some of the available affiliate programs that market products with residual income. This is an excellent way to create a separate income stream that requires little or no work from you and boosts the business you are already running. Becoming an affiliate is usually free and all you have to do is place a merchants link onto your website.

As visitors or customers click on your website link they are taken to the merchant and when they make a purchase, you get paid. As you become more successful, you will become qualified to be paid not just for sales made through your link but also for a program that will pay you for sending visitors to the merchants website, whether they make a purchase or not.

If you are just starting your internet business, success requires a little patience. This is because getting traffic to your site takes some time and does not happen instantly,inspite of claims of instant success by some people. Infect anyone who promises to give you instant internet success has lied to you. True success comes only by spending time, energy and sometimes money to promote your site and optimize it for search engine listings.

It has been found that the best way to consistently make money online is to generate several residual income streams. Little streams eventually become overflowing rivers and a what looks like modest income source when combined with other revenue sources can prove to become a decent online income.

It is better to join reputable affiliate programs and build long term relationships with them rather to hop from merchant to merchant in the hope of quick gain. Residual income works best with consistency, and short term affiliation produces short term income which is very limiting.

When you first start earning money on line, consider reinvesting part of it in your business and increasing your share of the daily visitors to the internet. You can do this by adding more products to your website and joining more affiliate programs. Remember, with the huge potential of the internet there is almost no limit to strength of your web presence and the revenue you can accrue from on line residual income.

Business networking is one of those things you know you should do, but if you're like most people you'd rather be doing something else. Since so many people know how to do business networking the hard way, I am going to show you how to do your business networking the easy way. There is an easy way to make business networking fun and highly profitable.

There are two BIG mistakes people make at a business networking event:

1. They think you have to sell and promote yourself at the time of the business networking event 2. They don't have a proper follow-up system. (Most people throw away all the business cards they collected without following up. They are losing the power of business networking.)

Business Networking Isn't about "Making the Sale"

Business networking is about building a relationship with a few key people over time. Don't try to close a sale right there at the business networking event. Your job is to move people into your marketing funnel.

Your marketing funnel is a process where people first get to know you, then buy from you, then refer others to you. Think of it as a spiral - the more people go down your funnel, the more money you make.

The funnel itself consists of four parts. You help the person move from being a prospect, to a lead, to a client, to being your unpaid promoter or champion.

This process happens over time. The people you meet at a business networking meeting are prospects because they don't know you yet. Your goal is to give them a positive experience of you. They will then spiral along your marketing funnel and you will see long-term success from your business networking.

How to Get Prospects into Your Marketing Funnel using Business Networking

Remember, a prospect is someone who doesn't yet know you, so your job is to stand out from the crowd and "introduce" yourself.

1. Hand out a 30-minute audio CD at business networking events in addition to your business card. Imagine how impressed people will be!

2. Put a call-to-action on the back of your business card. Here's what mine says (feel free to swipe it), "Want More Profit and Prestige? Get our Special Report 5 Steps to Passive Revenue With Information Products at".

3. When you introduce yourself to people, tell them that you'd be happy to email them a free tips sheet.

4. If you get the chance to speak for a few moments to the whole group, tell them you have a special report you'd like to send them if they give you their business card.

5. Conduct your own raffle where you give away a valuable offer so you can gather business cards. Then follow up with emails and some kind of special offer like a consultation call with you.

6. Follow up with everyone by offering them a free sample of what you do.

Bottom line - you want to entice people to give you their business cards so you can market to them after the business networking event. Make it something so irresistible that they would be foolish not to take you up on your offer. It can be as simple as meeting with someone one-on-one for coffee after the business networking event.

Think "build relationships" over "I've got to make a sale!" This will serve you for the long-term because once you become friends with someone they become your marketing champion. Leverage business networking as a starting point for those deeper, more meaningful relationships.