Anyone can start a legitimate home based business, but not everyone is willing to do what it takes to have a successful home business. A successful home online business entrepreneur, you must first possess or create within themselves these key elements:

1. A Vision: Solomon (the wises man who ever lived) said, "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Proverbs 29:18). If you have no goal or vision of what you want to achieve from a home business you will likely not follow through and see your business become a success. You must envision yourself as successful already - it called the winners mind set and it is the first attribute needed for any successful entrepreneur.

Your vision must include your "WHY" - Why are you wanting to start an online business? The answer must go beyond merely to make more money, pay off debts, have a bigger house, or dive a fancy car. Think of it this way - If all your debt, were paid off and you did not have to punch a time clock anymore, and money was no object - how would you like to spend the rest of you life? What would be the most valuable thing to you if you had true financial freedom? Once you decide what this is for you, and then write it down on paper, put in a place where you will see it every day. From there create a vision in your minds eye of enjoying your "WHY" This will set you on the path to fulfilling you vision of being successful.

2. Determination - It must be understood that anything worth having requires hard work and determination to achieved or get what you desire, otherwise you will not truly appreciate whatever are trying you get.

It is recorded that Jesus set his face link a flint to go in to Jerusalem to face the crucifixion, and in another place it says that he did this for the joy that was to be gained after enduring the cross.

To enjoy the financial freedom that is possible from a home based business, you must be set in your mind to go do what is necessary accomplish your goal, and be determined to work hard and not to let anything or anyone try to stop you from reaching that goal.

You must realize that many scoffers (aka: friends or family who do not believe it is possible to make money form home) will say that it is just a pipe-dream to own your own business and be independent and financially free. The fact is the one who fail or those who never try, or those who try, but have no real desire to follow through - they have no vision so when things get tough they quite. Any one who has a vision of working from home, and who sets their face like flint towards that goal can in fact enjoy the rewards of their labor in do season, but you must have determination to succeed. There is in this business a delayed gratification - it takes time to grow a business and that is why the next element is so vital.

3. Faith - If you don't believe that it's POSSIBLE for you to have a successful home based business or make your living from home, you won't. It's that simple. There is a natural law of sowing and reaping. If you sow good seed in fertile ground, you will in time reap the fruit of your labor. The good seed in this case is quality affiliate opportunities. The fertile ground is the world via the internet.

Believing that it is possible to make money online is just a matter of realizing that many other people are ALREADY making great money working from home. If they can do it, we can too. All you need to get started is to figuring out what those people are doing and then adapting it to my situation.

This is not blind faith because there are many undeniable PROOFS that people (millions of them) are making money working from home. Just get online and do some research and you'll find countless testimonials and stories of REAL PEOPLE making real money on the Internet. Or head to your local bookstore and you'll find the same documented evidence of this fact. Truth is it's getting easier and easier to make money with your own home based business.

It has been said, that "affiliate marketing" (a simple way to make money from home) is the job of the future. In the past, you had to go to a company, apply for a job and hope for the best. Today you can simply go online to any company you want, fill out their affiliate application and start work immediately. Affiliates are the new working class. In fact, making money with affiliate programs or making your living on the Internet is WAY MORE than possible. Affiliate marketing is the "job" of the future that's already here TODAY.

4. Opportunity is the element needed to getting started. The good news is that the cost of starting your own home based business is very small. A traditional "brick and mortar" business opportunity would require you to evaluate things very carefully before you decide to open up a business. It's almost always necessary to invest thousands of dollars to get an offline business off the ground. However, on the Internet you can often start a successful business for less than $100.

You simply need get IN THE GAME... Get a Vision, Be Determined to succeed, and then have Faith in the Opportunity that is before you right now! Each moment that you stay "out there," you're wasting valuable time that you could be learning and the skills necessary to build a successful home based business. In fact, if you're not in the game yet, you're ALREADY behind the times... Make the leap to starting and building a successful home business TODAY!