The Internet is full of information. If you're a busy person, as many individuals are, you may find it cumbersome to look up each individual site or topic you want to learn more about. Your time is valuable and more schools, companies, and educational administrations understand the need to find what you're looking for with ease. ELearning Portals are designed to help take the guesswork out of the vast information that the Internet can be by offering a one stop shop if you will to education and training tools and resources.
Knowledge at Your Fingertips
For companies who need to educate employees or a school that is looking to supplement its curriculum, learning portals are the answer to what many people are looking for. Websites are condensed into one landing spot for users to surf from. For instance, you can visit one website such as a library website and find that there is a portal to a number of other educational tools, resources and websites for you.
No More Searching For Sources
For a student that is compiling information for a report or project, learning portal can shorten the amount of time that they spend looking information up. Portals can be on any number of topics. For instance, you can find learning portals for math, language arts, science and history. From the portal you choose you can find tools and information the desired topic. Much of your information is onscreen through a list of relative and informative sites for you to browse.
Workplace Benefits
For a company that requires numerous training and continuing education courses, learning portals can be a great tool for employees. Supervisors and employers can direct their employees to the correct portal for their training and worry less about whether or not the information is relative and valid for the training they are receiving. Some companies choose to design and fill the learning portals themselves with the educational and valuable sites they want employees to visit.
Anymore you can find elearning portals through a simple Internet search. As mentioned earlier, some libraries use learning portals to grant patrons access to a large number of informative resources. They also use it for children to access learning games and websites. The number of elearning portals continues to grow as online learning gains in popularity and ease of use for the young and old.