Your Success Is Very Personal
There must be something in the water, because everywhere I look I see people trying to conform to the standards of others and achieve things for the sake of achievement, yet at the same time they seem lacking in happiness and satisfaction and it makes me wonder...why?
I firmly believe that success is only applicable to actions which in turn make you HAPPY. Any accomplishment that drains you and makes you wonder why you bother, seems to be besides the point - Doesn't it?
Success is whatever achievements make you happy, after all can you think of a viable alternative? - Yet people of all walks of live across the globe appear to carry the weight of expectation placed upon them set by other people and it's creating an upside down, inexplicable type of madness.
It's Not Selfish To Want Your Own Successes
There is something very tangible about success, maybe that is because it brings rewards that have tangibility or maybe it's because of the feeling that winning brings, but one thing is for sure and that is as follows:
"The actions you take to increase your genuine happiness are in themselves inherently good and successful. By increasing your happiness in a just and moral way your happiness should be revered and respected by those you love and those who wish you any less have little respect for your personal happiness"
Great things have come from personal endeavors and there is nothing immodest from taking pride in the journey towards self fulfillment. Unfortunately some parents and guardians feel a level of ownerships and control over their children and unnecessarily push them to far and too hard towards their own wants and needs. This vicarious predicament occurs as authorities try to live the achievements of their loved ones by proxy, often because they feel they have lacked success themselves.
This is incredibly selfish - The happiness of your children is far more important than the reclaiming of lost dreams for one's self.
A Socially Accepted Abnormality
Maybe I'm confused, but if the point of life is not to be happy then I must be chasing the wrong path - Maybe chasing misery would be more fulfilling - ?????
It would seem the heaping successes upon one another is the ultimate accomplishment regardless if those particular successes come at the price of lost happiness, did we all lose our minds? Unless greater, increasing happiness comes from the result of accomplishment am I not right to assume that there would be no accomplishment of value at all?
It's unbelievable but true, many people reach their mid thirties and realize they have spent their formative career years chasing someone else's idea of a happy life, without ever taking the real time to understand completely what it is that makes them happy and know implicitly those things that bring them the most joy.
I believe it is no surprise that now, more than ever before we see a huge amount of mid-life turnarounds as people pursue successes that they believe will bring them happiness which in turn is an accomplishment in itself.
It's never to late to make a critical evaluation of your life and the path you are heading down. Remember that happiness is absolutely everything and any other path away from joy is an abnormality of reality.
May You Find Your Happiness